Have you ever noticed that when you’re feeling the most stressed, often you want to eat more? Worse, you crave…
The principal behind Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT is that we have a system within us that transports energy throughout…
Acupressure is an all-natural, easily-performed technique that can be very beneficial in easing pain, releasing stress, improving sleep, increasing immunity,…
According to Judith Acosta and Judith Simon Prager, co-authors of the book The Worst is Over, immediately following a serious…
What sleep disorders, stress, and the fear of public speaking have in common is they're all problems that can be…
Have you ever noticed that, sometimes, you and your partner can hear exactly the same thing, but perceive it quite…
How you talk to yourself makes a difference. If you tell yourself you’re doing something in an attempt to avoid…
Your body speaks to you. That’s right. Deciphering your body's message of discomfort, illness or injury and paying attention to…
If you’re experiencing pain, hypnotherapy can be very helpful in alleviating it. The first thing to do, of course, is…
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Currently only seeing clients online via Zoom or via phone
Mon - Thurs: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Sat - Sun: hours arrangeable
24-hour notice required to schedule, cancel or change an appointment (Sunday not included)
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