Acupressure for Troubling Times

Acupressure is an all-natural, easily-performed technique that can be very beneficial in easing pain, releasing stress, improving sleep, increasing immunity, and a variety of other issues. It’s uncomplicated, works quickly, and it’s quite relaxing.


According to Michael Reed Gach of, two points that can be especially effective in this time of health worries and stress are just below your nose, in the little divot between your nose and upper lip, and just below your bottom lip, in the middle.  Press these two points at once so that you feel the pressure in your upper gum and your lower gum, and it will boost your immunity as well as help to provide relaxation.

Sit with your spine straight, take long, slow deep breaths (imagine drawing the breath to the bottom of your abdomen), and close your eyes while holding the points.

Two minutes is the suggested length of time to hold them, but any amount of time will create improvement.

Acupressure recognizes the human as an energetic being with a system of energy meridians within. The meridians are much like our veins or our lymph system, except that, instead of transporting something tangible like blood or lymphatic fluid, these energy meridians transport our Qi or Chi or Prana or life energy.

Life flows smoothly when the system flows smoothly, but when there’s a blockage in the system, a problem will manifest in life. It might be a pain, illness, injury, negative emotion, difficulty focusing, or any number of other problems, including things that seem to be outside, like difficult people or circumstances.

Pressing the endpoints along these meridians can release the blockages, get the good energy flowing again, and make life much more enjoyable. 

Frances O’Brien

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