Hope After Loss

The death of a loved one, and anything that triggers grief, can feel like such a devastating experience. Whether or not you had a chance to say goodbye or be with the person who died, the grief can feel endless and all-consuming. Initially, after the death occurs, friends, family, and neighbors gather around the surviving family member(s) to offer condolences, spend time, celebrate the life, and/or bring food or gifts. Sadly, after a short time, the visits become fewer and further apart, eventually ending altogether, leaving you to deal with your overwhelming grief on your own.

Mourning may bring waves of different emotions. You may feel sadness, anger, guilt, fear, or any number of other negative emotions. Your sleep patterns and/or appetite may change. You may experience brain fog. Some or all of the Stages of Grief as set forth by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross may happen to you. Sometimes there are brief windows of time when you feel better and think you’re moving on, and then, perhaps an anniversary arrives, and the heavy, burdensome emotions return as strongly as if the death had just occurred. Often loved ones die without getting their affairs in order, leaving survivors to deal with those responsibilities, as well.

You don’t have to bear this burden alone. Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping) and hypnotherapy (Guided Imagery) can be enormously helpful in assisting a grieving person to alleviate some of the most overwhelming feelings and experiences. Tapping can begin to lift some of the emotional weight from you so that you’re able to breathe again. Opportunities and choices become clearer to you, and you start to realize that you can get through your life, something which may have seemed insurmountable previously.

Guided Imagery Can Help You

Via Guided Imagery, many of my clients have had the opportunity to visit once again with their loved ones who’ve died. It’s a simple, but very effective and healing process. Many say it’s just like having another opportunity to spend time with their deceased loved ones again. Often messages are delivered between them which helps the survivor begin to lift from the endless eddy that is grief. Burdens are lightened. Positive shifts occur. Every client who’s done this particular imagery has felt better after doing it.


For More Information

If you find yourself grieving or know someone who is, whether it’s because of a recent death, one that happened long ago, or for any other reason, contact me. My phone/text number is 818-605-6566. Give yourself or someone you love the gift of hope while mourning.


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Mon - Thurs: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Fri: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

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